
Writing, Reviewing and Publishing

Provided by: UTC1
(EQF level: 8)

This course introduces students to the practical aspects of the publication process and the role that this process may play in their academic careers regarding empirical papers, literature review papers, theory papers, cover letters and revise and resubmit letters for manuscripts. Students will consider the process adopting the role of authors, the role of reviewers, and more abstractly considering the advancement of scientific knowledge. To achieve the learning goals, students will be asked to read several papers of differing viewpoints in preparation for each session and to discuss the issues in these papers. They will also closely follow the “journey” of a chosen published paper, going through the different iterations of reviews, editor’s and reviewers’ responses, authors responses etc. as well as reviewers for review each other’s writing. WHEN? 8th of April, 9-12 CET then 1-4pm CET - 9th of April, 9-12 CET then 1-4pm CET and 10th of April 9-12 CET. HOW TO APPLY? Please contact: [email protected].

  • Spring Semester 2023/24

    Course start date 2024-04-08
    Course end date 2024-04-10
    Language English
    Grading scheme: no credit scheme