
Open Science

Provided by: UTC1
(EQF level: 8)

In this open science session, we will embark on a journey into the world of Open Science, gaining invaluable insights and skills that transcend traditional research paradigms. We will discuss open access principles and how it promotes the free exchange of knowledge, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic academic landscape but also critically reflect upon why publishers are holding back on it. We will talk about data sharing and reproducibility and discover techniques to make your research transparent, verifiable, and accessible to the global scientific community. We will also discuss and reflect upon tools to promote open science initiatives and discuss their upsides and downsides. WHEN? June 11th 2024: 9:30-12:30. HOW TO APPLY? Please contact: [email protected]

  • Spring Semester 2023/24

    Course start date 2024-06-11
    Course end date 2024-06-11
    Language English
    Grading scheme: no credit scheme