On Campus

Epistemology for Management

Provided by: LUISS
(EQF level: 8)

The course deals with core epistemological assumptions underlying the status of knowledge and research in management and the social sciences more widely. Epistemology is an intrinsic component of research. It constitutes a body of knowledge concerning how scientific theories or statements are produced and empirically validated. Epistemological assump3ons carry far-reaching implications for the design of research and the methodologies of data collection and data corpus analysis. The relations between concepts and observations, ideas and empirical data are accordingly key to epistemology and research. Most scientific statements or theories develop in implicit or explicit conversation with other similar statements/theories (scientific debates and areas of research) and in conjunction with the facts of life by which they are ultimately assessed and held in check.The course has a maximum of 3 places available. The course is taught by Prof. Jannis Kallinikos.

  • Fall Semester 2024/25

    Course start date 2024-10-15
    Course end date 2024-11-13
    Language English
    Credits 3 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: For ordinary exams universities in Italy use a 30 point scale that can be divided into failing (0 to 17) and passing (18 to 30 cum laude) grade