
GLB: International Human Rights Law

Provided by: Tilburg
Bachelor's degree (EQF level: 6)

The course focuses on human rights litigation in a globalized world, where traditional protection mechanisms of public international law that heavily rely on the state prove increasingly insufficient to ensure accountability of business actors for human rights violations. Apart from offering students a solid doctrinal foundation in the multi-disciplinary field of ‘business and human rights’, the course also enables them to place human rights litigation in its broader social, economic and political contexts, including issues of development and the role of global civil society.

  • 2024/2025 - semester 1 of 2 (Fall/Winter)

    Course start date 2024-08-26
    Course end date 2025-01-26
    Language English
    Credits 6 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: Grades are awarded on a 10-point scale with 10 being the highest grade and 6 the minimum pass grade. The grades 1-3 are hardly ever awarded and 9 and 10 are very rare.