
GLB: European Union Law

Provided by: Tilburg
Bachelor's degree (EQF level: 6)

By the end of this course, students will be able to:
LG1: Know and explain: a) how EU Institutions work, b) the relation between EU Primary Law and EU Secondary Law, and c) the relationship between EU Law and National Law
LG2: Discuss and apply substantial EU rules (both primary and secondary Law) in the areas of free movement of goods, free movement of persons, and competition law.
LG3: Indicate, interpret, and apply key principles and rules established by the CJEU in its case-law (in the areas of institutional law, free movement of goods, free movement of persons and competition law)
LG4: Explain how the EU system of judicial protection works, and critically differentiate the role of the CJEU from the role of national courts in ensuring compliance with European Union Law.
LG5: Discuss how European Union Law influences and is influenced by different levels of governance (both national level, and international level)

  • Spring Semester

    Course start date 2024-01-29
    Course end date 2024-07-14
    Language English
    Credits 6 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: Grades will be awarded on a 10 point scale where 6 is the passing grade