
Managing and Financing Project Investments in High Risk Countries

Provided by: WU
Master's degree (EQF level: 7)

The global market for infrastructure finance is one of the biggest markets in the world with exponential growth rates. The G 20 estimate global demand for infrastructure finance until 2038 at 94 trillion USD the majority of which will be invested in emerging economies with sometimes high risks and weak institutional structures. The course addresses the challenges emerging in large-scale infrastructure investments in high risk countries. The complexity of megaprojects like the Hamaca oil field (Venezuela) the Chad-Cameroon pipeline or the construction of Hong-Kong Disney Land results in managerial and financial problems that are more pronounced than in traditional corporate investment. Projects are exposed to extensive political financial and commercial risks. For foreign investors risk management becomes a key consideration.

  • Fall semester 2022/23

    Course start date 2022-10-07
    Course end date 2022-11-25
    Language English
    Credits 5 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: 1 - excellent 2 - good 3 - satisfactory 4 - sufficient 5 - fail