
International Marketing

Provided by: UNWE
Bachelor's degree (EQF level: 6)

Upon completion, students would be able to: • identify and describe the complex ongoing processes in the international marketing environment; • identify a range interactions which form the overall understanding of the marketing in terms of sustainability, responsible production and consumption; • analyze and offer solution concerning entry modes and the influence of internationalization on company’s marketing activities; • see through the interdisciplinary interactions;

  • Winter semester of 2024/2025

    Course start date 2024-09-16
    Course end date 2025-01-20
    Language English
    Credits 6 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: The following grading criteria apply: - Individual in-class participation: 10 points - Book review -10 points - Group or individual project assignments: 30 points - Final exam: 50 points Grading Policy: 100 - 90 points - excellent 6 89 - 80 points ¿ very good 5 79 -70 points ¿ good 4 69- 60 points - satisfactory 3 59 points or less ¿ poor 2 /fail/