On Campus

Research in Health and Labor Economics

Provided by: UMA
(EQF level: 8)

This course has two main objectives: (i) To teach PhD students the process of developing research ideas and carrying out research themselves. (ii) To provide a state-of-the-art overview of research topics at the intersection of health and labor economics.

  • Fall 2024

    Course start date 2024-09-03
    Course end date 2024-12-05
    Language English
    Credits 10 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: Paper presentation: 10%
    Research sketches on promising research ideas: 25%
    Report on fellow student's research sketches: 15%
    End-of-semester presentation of most promising research sketch: 15%
    Extended research sketch on most promising research
    idea and design: 25%
    Class attendance: 5%
    Class participation: 5%