On Campus

Topics and Projects in Experimental Economics

Provided by: UMA
(EQF level: 8)

This module is intended to introduce students to current topics in experimental and behavioral economics and to familiarize them with recent advances in the field. The course will be delivered via a mix of student-led presentations, joint readings of papers, in-class discussions and project work. Selected papers from the recent relevant literature will be discussed in depth and participants will jointly work on developing research ideas.
A goal of the module is that at the end of the semester students have identified some interesting research questions and are able to outline concrete plans of how they can be answered. The role of the group is not only to provide a forum for individuals to get feedback on their ideas but to become actively engaged with each project. For this to work participants have to be prepared to read papers, to do some literature research and to contribute actively to the class discussion.

  • Fall 2024

    Course start date 2024-09-05
    Course end date 2024-12-05
    Language English
    Credits 10 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: Attendance and participation in discussion and presentation of own research. Writing a research proposal.