
International Criminal Law

Provided by: UMA
Bachelor's degree (EQF level: 6)

One of the most significant developments both in international law and international relations throughout the last two decades has been the (re-)emergence of an international legal order based on a robust interpretation of the concept of international criminal justice. By establishing both international and hybrid criminal courts addressing international core crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, the international community has demonstrated an ever more growing commitment to end impunity for the most heinous crimes affecting mankind as a whole and to hold those bearing individual criminal responsibility personally accountable. This course aims at providing students with a fundamental understanding of this increasingly important realm of public international law. Thus, in a first approach, an overview both of international criminal law’s theoretical foundation as well as its historical sources will be provided. Adjacently, focus will be given to the ad-hoc tribunals of the 1990s (such as the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) and most prominently to the International Criminal Court (ICC) as the first permanent international organization addressing matters of international criminal justice. Complementary to this institutional approach, the second part of the course will address material law aspects: Besides the abovementioned crimes as stipulated in the Rome Statute forming the International Criminal Court, attention will be given to further international crimes such as piracy or terrorism. Additionally, questions such as immunity from prosecution for heads of state or government, modes of liability, interdependencies between the national and international judicial sphere and notions of state sovereignty will be addressed throughout the course.

  • Fall 2024

    Course start date 2024-09-02
    Course end date 2024-12-06
    Language English
    Credits 8 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: very good (1,0 - 1,5)
    good (1,6 - 2,5)
    satisfactory (2,6 - 3,5)
    sufficient (3,6 - 4,0)
    failed (5,0)