
International Business Law and Technology

Provided by: TILBURG
Master's degree (EQF level: 7)

After this course students can:
(1.) understand the new technologies and explain what the exponential growth of technology (machine learning / deep learning / blockchain) means for lawyers;
(2.) understand why lawyers should embrace technology;
(3.) understand the role of lawyers (and law) in the digital world;
(4.) work with the new technologies;
(5.) work in multidisciplinary teams and
(6.) pitch new ideas.

  • 2024/2025 - semester 2 of 2 (Spring/Summer)

    Course start date 2024-01-27
    Course end date 2025-07-13
    Language English
    Credits 6 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: Grades are awarded on a 10-point scale with 10 being the highest grade and 6 the minimum pass grade. The grades 1-3 are hardly ever awarded and 9 and 10 are very rare.