On Campus

Advanced Qualitative Methods

Provided by: NHH
(EQF level: 8)

This course is designed to develop proficiency in collecting, analyzing, and reporting qualitative data, using a variety of qualitative tools and methods, including case studies, ethnography, and grounded theory. We use "how-to" books and articles that describe how to conduct qualitative research and analyze recent "exemplar" articles published in top-tier journals. The course is highly interactive. In addition to reading about methods and examining exemplars, students will practice crafting qualitative research to explore how it can effectively be used in their own dissertation projects. The course takes the students through the full cycle of qualitative research from research design to data collection, data analysis, writing it up and publishing. Visit our website for more information (see course details).

  • Spring semester 2023/24

    Course start date 2024-04-08
    Course end date 2024-05-31
    Language English
    Credits 7.5 (ECTS)
    Grading scheme: Excellent A / Very Good B / Good C / Satisfactory D / Sufficient E / Fail F

    The course grade (A-F) is based on the individual course paper and participation
    Final course paper 80%: Due on August 12, 2024.
    Participate in class discussions 20%.