
Virtual collaboration across cultures (ENGAGE.EU Signature Course)

Provided by: NHH
Master's degree (EQF level: 7)

In a world that has become more globalised than ever, future leaders need to work and collaborate effectively in virtual teams, with colleagues from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Research shows that multicultural teams are more productive, profitable, and creative. Yet, this positive outcome depends on whether leaders and their team members can bridge diversity effectively. In this course, students will learn about and experience first-hand the challenges and opportunities of working across cultures and reflect on the process. The course involves a team project in which students apply design thinking processes and collaborate virtually with students from other ENGAGE.EU universities. This part allows students to apply and deepen their learnings in a project that simulates real-business-world global virtual teamwork.

Visit our website for more information (see course details).

  • Fall semester 2024/25

    Course start date 2024-10-01
    Course end date 2024-12-01
    Language English
    Credits 5 (ECTS)
    Engagement hours 120
    Grading scheme: Excellent A / Very Good B / Good C / Satisfactory D / Sufficient E / Fail F