Applying the Gioia Method within the Grounded Theory Methodology
Staff Course
Participants will learn about the origins of this method, strategies for gathering and sampling data. Furthermore, the workshop will provide a practical introduction into the various stages of the cod...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
MAXQDA Introductory Course and Individual Counselling
Staff Course
In this workshop you will learn to use MAXQDA during the different stages of the research process, from importing and exploring data to retrieving results. ...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
German Course (B2+)
Staff Course
The Vienna University of Economics and Business offers an online German course with a level of German of B2+ (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) for everyone who wo...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
Interacting in French in cross-cultural contexts
Staff Course
The course is designed for faculty and staff members from partner universities within the network. You will learn about current issues concerning the French language including its inventivit...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
German for beginners level (A1,1+)
Staff Course
Understanding and formulating simple statements and questions - basic vocabulary relating to subject matter at hand Family - town of residence/address/ shopping/groceries/prices and quantities/numbers...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
German for absolute beginners (A1)
Staff Course
Understanding and formulating simple statements and questions - basic vocabulary relating to subject matter at hand. Asking for personal information (name/ background/place of residence/ etc.) Enquiri...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
German for advanced beginners (A2,2)
Staff Course
This Course is in German. 1. Mündliche Kommunikation und Wortschatz zu Themen Freundschaften - Büroalltag/Handys/Unfall/ ärztliche Versorgung. 2. Grammatik: Indirekte Fragen/Nebensätze/Präteritum. Der...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
Deutsch für beginnende Mittelstufe (B1,1)
Staff Course
This course is in German. Im Kurs werden folgende Inhalte und Wortfelder besprochen: Personen - und Filmbeschreibungen - Ernährung/Essen - Wetter und Umwelt. In der Grammatik werden vor allem Verben m...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English
English Business C1
Staff Course
This course combines spoken and written communication in Business English.The necessary vocabulary will be explored through working with a variety of texts and activities. You will learn to express yo...
Spring Semester 2024/25Language: English